FOCUS 2 Apply is a self-guided career, major and education planning system designed to guide you through the steps of the career planning process. You can use FOCUS 2 Apply at any stage of your education and career planning.
FOCUS 2 Apply
Start with any feature, repeat a feature if desired, and use the system as an ongoing resource. All your results are saved and accessible in your FOCUS 2 Portfolio.
First Time Users
- Begin with My Career Planning Readiness to understand the career planning process.
- Learn about yourself using the Self-Assessments. Discover majors and occupations that match your interests, skills, personality, and values.
- Explore Major Areas of Study that match your interests and support your career goals.
Returning Users
- Use for ongoing career exploration.
- Begin to make your career plans.
- If it applies to you, begin thinking about school and training.
- Explore future options for moving into specialized occupations.
Getting the Most out of FOCUS 2 Apply
- Use FOCUS 2 on any device- Computers, phones, tablets.
- Save occupations and major areas of study that appeal to you as you are working through the different sections.
Career Services at NHCC
Once admitted as an NHCC student, you will have access to our Career Services office, who can help you review and understand your results. Until then, please contact our Admissions Office with any questions.

Admissions and Outreach Office
Educational Services Building
7411 85th Avenue North
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445
7411 85th Avenue North
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445
Our team is ready to help you through the admissions process and beyond. Let us know how we can help.