In 1966, during NHCC’s very first year, Jean Loy-Swanson was our only art professor. Today, she is a professor emerita at NHCC and lives at Becketwood, a senior cooperative in Minneapolis. At Becketwood, Jean also works as the Coordinator of Art Exhibits.
Jean has graciously invited all of the NHCC art faculty and retirees to use the two art galleries at Becketwood to showcase their work.
The NHCC Art Faculty & Retirees Exhibit opens this Friday, May 6, in the West and East Galleries of Becketwood Senior Cooperative, which is located at 4300 W. River Parkway S in Minneapolis.
There will be a coffee and cookie reception from 1:30-2:30 pm.
The exhibit runs from May 6 through June 2 at 1 pm.
The art faculty and retirees who will be participating are:
Will Agar, Dan Bagaus, Jane Bassuk, Gina Dabrowski,
Glen Grafelman, Dan Mason, Jerry Mathiason, Susan Strong McDonald,
Michelle Ranta, Jason Schoch and Jean Loy- Swanson, herself!
Please stop by the reception if you would like to mingle with the artists. Many of them will be in attendance during that time. There are no guest limitations for the reception. Guests can park in the Becketwood lot and enter the main entrance of the building. At the main entrance, there is a security desk where guests can check in and get directions to the galleries.
Jean’s archival print (below) titled, Dancing through the Tall Grass will be featured in this exhibition.
Thank you to Jean for organizing this special showcase and for including your NHCC art family and community!
These gallery shots (below) were taken at the exhibit:
Current NHCC art faculty and former NHCC art faculty met up at the gallery reception and posed for a few photos (below)!
Pictured above left to right on the top: Dan Mason, Will Agar, Jerry Mathiason and Jean Swanson. Pictured on the bottom left to right: Jane Bassuk and Susan McDonald.
Pictured outside standing from left to right: Gina Dabrowski. Susan Mcdonald, Dan Mason, Jean Swanson and Will Agar. Pictured outside and seated from left to right: Jerry Mathiason, Jane Bassuk and the Gallery Helper.
Please remember to enjoy this exhibit before June 2nd!