The Gender Sonnet by Nicole Weisjahn
Diner Indian Takes a Class by Jamie Randall
The Rookie by Anthony Vue
America Today by Kevin Jacobson
The Consumerist Manifesto by Kaelie Farrah
Considering The Options by Paige Riehl
I Am A Student by Azania Tripp
And Twilight Came by Les Fieldman
In The Spring Forest by Haley Lasche
My Blackness, My Skin by Ajah Walker
A Scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream by Yumna Sheikh Mohamed
Myself and Yourself by Tyler De Luca
Russian Cream by Soktear Soun
The Hummingbird and the Hawthorn by Sarah Babbit
Eight Minutes by Kennedy Lang
Bihh by Ricky Dominguez
With Loathing Do We Fight To Begin Again by Malachiah Shelton
Because We've Accepted The Murder Of Our Children by Brian Baumgart