NHCC Department of Theater Spring 2025
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
(Abridged) [Revised] [Again]
A play by Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess Winfield
You are invited to audition; we're looking for your talents!
All students (including PSEO) — no matter your major — are eligible to audition & be in the show (i.e., you don’t need to be a theater major to participate!). EVERYONE can audition.
Audition Dates & Times:
- TUESDAY, JAN. 21, 4:30 – 6:00PM
- WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22, 3:30 – 5:00PM
- THURSDAY, JAN. 23, 4:30 - 6:00PM
- SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1:30 - 3:30PM
You should select a date above that works with your schedule. You can show up any time within the blocks of time noted above. (An individual audition is not 1.5 hours long - this is simply the "open" hours available for you to drop-in and audition.) You will be in the audition process for about 1 hour, starting from the time you arrive.
- Auditions are held in a "drop-in" style: it's not necessary to sign up for a time! Pick the time and date you’d like from the list above. You can show up any time within the blocks of time noted above.
- We can also arrange a scheduled audition time for you where you can secure a specific date & time for an appointment to audition, if you prefer.
- Arranged appointment times are only available during the dates/times listed above. With a set appointment, your time will be guaranteed. Email to make an appointment: irma.mayorga@nhcc.edu
- Plan ahead! Even if you “drop-in,” you should come prepared and focused for your audition.
- Plan ahead! Even if you “drop-in,” please wear CLOTHING that allows for MOVEMENT! Jeans and skirts are NOT encouraged. Any type of athletic wear or workout wear is most appropriate.
After the first week of auditions (dates above), we may hold callbacks for the audition process. A "callback" is a second audition moment where we need to see you again!
If needed, callbacks will be scheduled for Monday, Jan. 27 from 6:30 – 8:00PM! If you audition, and we ask you to attend callbacks, we will absolutely need to see you from 6:30 – 8:00PM on 1/27 for at least 1 hour! During a callback, you will work with other potential actors in a group audition.
About The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] [Again] // Story
Cast: 3 actors (gender-diverse casting for each role and/or expanded casts are being considered)
READ & LEARN more about this play.
Can three actors really cover thirty-seven Shakespeare plays in 97 minutes? This fast-firing comedy does just that as it parodies ALL Shakespearean plays (plus the sonnets!) in two acts. This play is full of energy and dynamism as the characters take to the stage and keep you guessing how they will pull off the next Shakespearean play. Clever use of interesting costumes and props also adds to the fun.
The play begins with an eccentric version of Romeo and Juliet, followed by a parody of Titus Andronicus (portrayed as a cooking show). The members of the trio also give tribute to Othello and compete in a hilarious football game which summarizes Shakespeare's history plays (King John, Richard II, Richard III, Henry IV etc), complete with commentary and details of each character’s rise and fall from power.
As the characters are about to come to the end of the first act, they realize they've forgotten to perform Hamlet. One of the actors becomes nervous and runs out of the theatre with another actor chasing him. The final actor is left to entertain the audience by himself, which he does by telling jokes and calling for the intermission.
After intermission, the two missing actors return and save their companion from reciting all of the SONNETS. All three actors then perform their very abbreviated version of Hamlet (with help from the audience), thus “completing” the canon in only an hour and a half!
Ensemble play with BIG physical comedy and wordplay!
This production seeks an ensemble of 3-4 actors. This hilarious show relies on the participation of an "ensemble" cast. Every actor counts in this show.
Roles will be filled by the best actor who has auditioned as determined by the production director. The strongest considerations at hand for casting are: comedic timing, a strong sense of play, fun, and openness, flexible acting ability, dynamic verbal delivery, and availability of all actors in terms of personal schedule.
The NHCC Department of Theater does not discriminate against persons auditioning on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, creed, or ability.
We strongly encourage and invite all NHCC students of all ages, abilities, and gender/racial/ethnic identities to audition. There are roles in this musical for all identities.
INFORMATION: Rehearsal Dates
Rehearsals for a play are super, super, SUPER FUN! But there are many, many rehearsals that actors need to attend in order to prepare a play.
Rehearsals will begin on January 30th and continue to the dates of performances (April 16, 17, 18 & 19, 2025).
The production will rehearse about 4 days a week in 3 hour blocks of time.
The rehearsal schedule is a collaboration with cast members: we pay attention to your class and/or work schedule to create the rehearsal schedule. We do our very best to help take care of you. But, we cannot work around every cast member's packed personal schedule.
We make use of mostly evenings for rehearsal meeting times. We may make use of Friday evenings & Saturday afternoons because folks tend to be free at these times.
- If you audition for this play, it is an expectation that you have adequate time in your college and personal schedule to attend ALL scheduled rehearsals to develop this production.
- If you audition for this play, it is an expectation that you will arrive 10 minutes before each scheduled rehearsal in order to be present at the start time of rehearsal meetings.
Please don't worry about the needs of our rehearsal schedule, timing tends to work itself out: anything well-made takes time! And remember: rehearsals are fun because the focus is on YOU!
- You can also register to take this experience for 1 – 3 course credits, fulfilling NHCC Goal 6 requirements.
- We also seek technical / backstage crew personnel for this production! You can register to take this experience of working in a technical role as a 1 – 3 course, fulfilling NHCC Goal 6 requirements.
INFORMATION: Performance Dates
This show will be performed on:
- Wednesday, April 16 @ 7:30PM
- Thursday, April 17 @ 7:30PM
- Friday, April 18 @ 7:30PM
- Saturday, April 19 @ 7:30PM
4 Performances Total. The week before performances, April 9-15, is most especially a busy time for all actors, and actors are required to attend all rehearsals on these dates.
Auditions will take place in FAC 178 which is the NHCC Main Theater. Auditions will have a check-in table located in the lobby area of the theater, which is located directly across from FAC 119 & 120.
What Will Happen at the Audition?
- Please plan on about 1 hour of time for your audition. Please don’t schedule an activity immediately after your planned audition time as you don’t want to feel rushed.
- There will be a table for check-in in the lobby of the FAC, immediately outside the Main Theater and across from FAC rooms 119 & 120.
- We need you to fill out a form that asks about information for you:
- Your course schedule
- Your work schedule (if applicable)
- Your contact information
- Any skills or talents you have
- You are also welcome to bring an acting resume for your audition if you have one available (optional, not required)
- Please download this tip sheet for auditions!
- We will audition actors one at a time in the Main Theater.
- The people present in the room to observe your audition will be the show's director.
- You will be asked to perform a short selection from the play, and you will also be guided through physical movement activities during your audition.
What Do I Need to Prepare for My Audition?
- Please download this tip sheet for auditions!
- If you would like to prepare a 1 - 2 minute spoken monologue, we'd appreciate that! Remember: this play is a comedy. But, it is not required that actors prepare a monologue for auditions; we realize you are busy.
- We will provide monologues from the play at auditions for you to read aloud. Please arrive early to look over the selections that can be found at the check-in table. You are also welcome to prepare a monologue - but it is not required.
- We will also ask you to move for guided physical activities during your audition.
Do I Need to Sign-up for a time for my Audition?
- You do not need to sign-up in advance for a time slot. Auditions are held on a "drop-in" basis. We will see people as they arrive - in order of their arrival. We hold "drop-in" auditions to help out with busy schedules.
- We are holding auditions on Saturday (Jan. 25), and this might be a better day to think about for your audition as you may have more open time on a Saturday.
- More Questions? No problem - send an email, and we'll help you find answers. All Qs welcome.
- This production will be directed by Dr. Mayorga (NHCC Theatre Faculty).
Email Qs about auditions to: irma.mayorga@nhcc.edu